Integration of unified logging layer and Graylog/Logstash centralized log management system into highly complex product tech stack.

Some of the problems included:

  • Company’s product required unifying different logging mechanisms used and centralize output from these for online viewing
  • Company’s product highly complex tech stack, consisting of hundreds (300+) OSGi bundles, used five different logging frameworks – ‘logback’, ‘commons-logging’, ‘java.util.logging’, ‘tinylog’, and OSGi log service – which were configured separately and output diagnostic information to separate locations, causing significant loss of information and maintenance overhead
  • Due to incomplete diagnostic information it was much more difficult to trace root causes of some of the problems which occur
  • Diagnosing problems required direct access to Customer’s devices due to lack of centralized log management system where logs can be viewed online

Some of the solutions applied included:

  • Merging output from all of the logging frameworks used in Company’s product into one by introducing unified logging layer, utilizing “Pax Logging” 3rd party library
  • Sending merged output to Graylog/Logstash centralized log management system, utilizing Graylog/Logstash custom Logback appender, facilitating viewing of diagnostic information emitted by components of Company’s product in on-premise deployments via web browser
  • Removing all obsolete logging libraries and configuration files from bundles used by Company’s product
  • Updating build scripts, target definition and product definition files to reflect changes applied

Technology stack

  • Java
  • OSGi
  • Graylog/Logstash
  • Pax Logging
  • Logback
  • GELF4j
