Case Studies
On-demand, asynchronous collection of diagnostic information downloadable via GUI of Company's product
Developed on-demand, asynchronous collection of diagnostic information downloadable as ZIP archive via GUI of Company’s product, which was being deployed on-premises but lacked remote diagnostics collection at that time.
Some of the problems included:
- Company’s product required remote collection of diagnostic information to facilitate diagnosing problems in on-premise deployments
- Due to lack of diagnostics collection, diagnosing problems in on-premise deployments of Company’s product required SSH access to devices on which it was running
- In on-premise deployments of Company’s product usually there was no outside internet access, which prohibited use of SSH access to devices
- Due to lack of SSH access to devices, diagnosing problems in on-premise deployments of Company’s product remotely was not possible or very difficult
- Different implementations for functionalities such as “save file” dialog were required due to internal differences between frameworks used for desktop and web GUIs of Company’s product
- Depending on size of deployment, collecting diagnostic information was taking a long time
Some of the solutions applied included:
- Custom solution for on-demand collection of diagnostic information downloadable as ZIP archive via GUI of Company’s product
- Asynchronous collection of diagnostic information with progress feedback in GUI of Company’s product
- Different implementation of save file dialog for Eclipse RCP and Eclipse RAP frameworks used for desktop and web GUIs of Company’s product
Technology stack
- Java
- OSGi
- Eclipse RCP
- Eclipse RAP
- Eclipse EMF
- JCR (Java Content Repository)
- Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons Lang, Google Guava